From The Earth Itself
In 2003, Board Member Robert (Bob) Walters and his partner John Hendry purchased a 170-acre farm and equipment to raise fruits and vegetables for the benefit of the workers. In 2015, he donated the land to Living Hope For Honduras to become a safe and beautiful home site for at-risk young Honduran girls while continuing to serve as a working farm and dairy.
The farm not only produces various crops, it helps young girls learn a number of valuable skills, spanning everything from basic horticulture to animal husbandry. In addition, their enriching experiences on the farm often serve as the inspiration for career pursuits (such as choosing Biology as a college major).

About The ¡Esperanza Viva! (EV) Cattle Brand
Esperanza Viva means "Living Hope" in Spanish. The logo including "EV" is a replica of the brand designed by benefactor Paul Major to mark cattle on Living Hope's farm. In addition to produce, they raise beef cattle for sale and keep a herd of producing milk cows.
Some of the milk is used by the children in Nanny's Casa, Living Hope's home for abused and abandoned girls; any milk overage is sold to local families. In Honduras, the "EV" cattle brand is widely recognized as the symbol of Living Hope.

The Support of Donors Helps It Grow

The Farm provides support to its workers in the form of placing food on their tables. It also targets the primary industry in Honduras, agriculture. This has endless opportunity to explore traditional farming methods, enhanced modern techniques, and sustainability.
Bob Walters' amazing gift to Living Hope For Honduras continues to provide benefits that few may have foreseen. With his ongoing support, and that of our donors, we are able to keep the farm thriving. It is a continual source of accomplishment and inspiration for the girls and young women who receive so much from it.